Pioneer Travel

Instructional Plan

Adventure # 1: Vocabulary

Length of Time: 45 minutes

Materials and Resources: Glossary.html or SignLanguage.html, Adventure1.html, HotPotato.html, Vocabulary worksheet from vocab.pdf

Goal: Students will learn and use key terms in relation to the pioneer unit.

Objectives: Students will identify and type or write key terms with the use of a glossary with 90% accuracy.

Lesson: The teacher should introduce the lesson by explaining to the students that they are going to be working on the computer to complete the unit on Pioneer Travel. After explaining that they will be working on different web pages that will provide the directions for each part of the unit, the teacher will direct the students to proceed to the bookmarked Pioneer Travel web. After the students have had a chance to read the introduction they will follow the directions on the web page to proceed to Adventure 1. The teacher has the option of having the students work individually or in the same groups that will be used for Adventure 3. (this decision may be based on the availability of computers) Students will be told to find the link for the glossary (if the students are unfamiliar with the word glossary the teacher should explain the meaning) and click on it. If the students are hearing impaired and use sign language for communication they may be directed to the sign language link if they need help with understanding the vocabulary. After providing a vocabulary worksheet to the students (each student should complete their own worksheet even if they are working in teams) they will follow the directions on the webpage to complete the worksheet by using the glossary. After completing the worksheet, the students will click on the link to the crossword puzzle and complete it. Once the crossword is complete and graded the students will call the teacher over to see the grade.

Assessment: Students will turn in their completed worksheet and show the teacher the completed crossword.

Adventure #2: Scavenger Hunt

Length of Time: 30 minutes

Materials and Resources: Internet, computers, worksheet

Goal: Using the Internet, the students will complete the given worksheet with 90% of the questions answered correctly.

Objectives: Students will navigate on the Internet. Students will use the websites to research and find the answers to the questions on the worksheet. Students will write their answers on the worksheet.

Lesson: The students will be given a worksheet with different questions about the Oregon Trail. The students will use the Internet to find the answers to the questions asked and successfully complete the worksheet.

Assessment: Students will be assessed by their accuracy in completing the assignment.

Differentiation: Students with a better knowledge of computers and the Internet can look for their own websites to find the answers. Those not as computer literate can use the worksheet with websites already provided.

Enrichment Activity
As an enrichment activity, students can create a poster that depicts a covered wagon. The parts of the wagon must be labeled and the picture must be colored. Sources from where students can obtain information about covered wagons:

Both sources should be used in order to get adequate information for their poster!

Adventure #3: Power Point Presentation

Length of Time: approx. 3 days

Materials and Resources:

Goal: Students will work collaboratively to create a power point presentation on one aspect of pioneer travel and then they will present it to the class.

A. Students will read and collect a minimum of 4 key ideas from assigned section from the book: If You Traveled West In A Covered Wagon.
B. Students will work in cooperative groups to create 3-4 power point slides that highlight 4 or more key ideas from their assigned text. Each slide will include an appropriate picture.

Lesson:The topic of the lesson will focus on the different aspects of pioneer travel. There will be 6 cooperative groups (up to 4 students in each group). Each group will be assigned a different subtopic to research and then later present the data to the class using power point. The six areas that will be covered are: food, what a covered wagon is, what to bring, dangers, what a wagon train is, and the different trails. Students will be required to take notes and collect at least 4 key points about their subtopic. The teacher will monitor and guide each group’s efforts of data collecting. With their information, the students will create up to a four-slide presentation using Power Point. Appropriate pictures are included, however sound is optional. Each group will then present their information to the class using a projector.

Assessment:The presentation will be graded by a rubric.

Adventure # 4: Journal Entry

Length of Time: Ongoing research from the beginning of unit. Two days to write the actual journal entry.

Materials and Resources: Computer, Internet, book, paper, pencil

Goal: Students will write a journal entry describing their adventures on the Oregon Trail.

Objectives: Students will research the daily happenings of a family traveling on the Oregon Trail. Students will write a journal entry based on their research. Students will write in first person, sharing their thoughts, as if they were the ones experiencing these adventures.

Lesson: This lesson will bring the social studies, writing, and technology standards together. The students will be responsible for researching information about the Oregon Trail on the Internet and in their books; this will be done as a group. From this information, they must determine what it would have been like to be on the Oregon Trail. They then will individually choose several important events that they feel important to write about. After researching and deciding what their day will include, the students will write a journal entry to share this information. The students will be provided with a rubric to help guide them in writing their entry.

Assessment: Students will be scored using the same rubric that they were given with the assignment. See the attached rubric.

Differentiation: Students who are more comfortable working on computers can search the Internet for sites other than the ones provided.

1. Wagons on the Trails West-descriptions of covered wagons
2. Pioneers of the Wild West-links to other sites
3. Oregon Trail Field Trip
4. On the Trail and Covered Wagons-photos of wagons
5. Going for Gold-photos for projects and information about the gold rush