Rubric: Power Point Project


Below Basic









Number of Slides

There is 1 slide

There are 2 slides

There are 3 slides

There are 4 slides

Facts and Information

There are 2 or less facts.  Some or none of your information relates to your topic.

There are 3 facts and the information generally relates to your topic.

There are 4 facts and most of your information clearly defines your topic.

There are at least 5 facts and all of your information clearly defines your topic.


Most slides are difficult to follow. Color choices are poor and do not allow for text to be easily seen.

Some slides are easy to follow. The text may be a little difficult to read.

Most slides are easy to read.  Good color choices allow for the text to be readable.

Each slide is easy to read. Excellent color choices make the text stand out.

Animation and Sounds

There is animation and sound for some slide transitions. Few facts and pictures have animation and sound.

There is animation and sound for most slide transitions.  Some facts and pictures have animation and sound.

There is animation and sound for most slide transitions. Most facts and pictures have animation and sound.

There is animation and sound for every slide transition. Each fact and picture has animation and sound.


More than 8 spelling, grammatical and punctuation mistakes

6-8 spelling, grammatical and punctuation mistakes

3-5 spelling, grammatical and punctuation mistakes

0-2 spelling, grammatical and punctuation mistakes